
Factory Automation – Framework Development

Automation framework for a semiconductor manufacturing to interface with Metrology and Process Equipments



  • Development of host application from scratch for individual tools.
  • Maintainance and enhancement of a legacy host.
  • Restriction of users to access tools and batch configuration.
  • Metrology data handling due to different formats.


  • Common platform implementations that can be customized for different sites.
  • A host template to interface with framework.
  • Enforcement of process to operate the tools.
  • Separate application for batch configuration and metrology data hanlding.
  • Multiple access level for users.


  • Developed a framework to interface with SEMI tools
  • Framework can be customized at site level if needed.
  • Host template reduces the overhead programming and configuration to interface with the tool.
  • Host template enforce the process flow order. Ex: Batch Select -> Batch Start -> Batch Complete.
  • Batch configuration application to configure batches that needs to be processed within the tool.
  • Metrology data processing done through a standalone application.
  • Flexibility to add different access levels of users to host application. Ex: Admin, Operator, Engineer. To ensure each of them have privilages according to their level.
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